The responsible person for Enel Green Powers involvment with O2O WIND is Luigi La pegna who dedicated last 15...
We are happy to announce that Kennedy Renwables from UK have decided to join O2O WIND.
Words by Jordi Francesch Head of Asset Management at Glennmont Partners.
Deion Campbell General Manager at Trustpower/NewCo explains their decision as follows
Words by Joe Dalton Asset Management Director at NTR PLC.
Organizors of the biggest O&M event in the US contacted O2O WIND with an interest for our owner to owner...
Arctic Wind with the world’s northernmost wind farm has also taken the decision to come on board. Instead of their...
Martin Reinholdsson, Director General Vattenfall has the following reason to found O2O WIND Our O&M Strategy...
Sverre Trollnes, Manager Operation & Maintenance at Statoil ASA describes their objectives for founding O2O WIND...
Two days after Arise had joined us we had CEZ Group coming on-board. They are also operating the biggest onshore...
Kelly Dallas will spend time daily at O2O WIND to develop interactivity.