We are happy to announce that Kennedy Renwables from UK have decided to join O2O WIND.
The responsible person for their involvment with O2O WIND is John Sturman who began working within renewables in the 90's. John is the creator of Windscan, a satellite measurement dataset of global offshore windspeeds.
John Previously worked as the Director of Renewables at Santander.
John is also a fellow of IMarEST and a Chair of their Technical Leadership Board as well as their offshore wind committe. He is also a commitee member of AWEA'S Offshore Wind and R&D committees.
We are happy to bring Kennedy Renwables onboard to share Knowledge and Experience within O&M.
Words by John Sturman – Technical and Operations Director.
Our O&M Strategy
Establishing a collaborative approach with the O&M provider, with a particular emphasis on AEP enhancements.
Our ambition for O2O
To share knowledge and experiences in order to resolve common problems and enact affective AEP enhancements.