The basic idea is for wind asset owners to share knowledge and experience within O&M to build a platform of best...
We are happy to announce that Kennedy Renwables from UK have decided to join O2O WIND.
Words by Jordi Francesch Head of Asset Management at Glennmont Partners.
Words by Josh Fausset - Manager Renewable Energy
Wind Park Takeover Checklist Thats the name of our latest Wiki. Root-Wiki produced by one of our moderators who...
Arctic Wind with the world’s northernmost wind farm has also taken the decision to come on board. Instead of their...
Javier de los Ríos at Gas Natural Fenosa for why they founded O2O WIND
Jörgen Svensson, Business Unit Manager Wind at Skellefteå Kraft describes their objectives for founding O2O WIND...
Wouter Holbrecht, Manager Wind at EDF Luminus describes their objectives for founding O2O WIND International with...
Martin Reinholdsson, Director General Vattenfall has the following reason to found O2O WIND Our O&M Strategy...
Alan Henderson, Head of Technical Asset Management at RWE Innogy gives their reason for founding O2O WIND:
In May 2015 we were delighted to be joined by Arise. Liane Persson, Operation Manager at Arise has the following...
Cristobal Couret, Director Producción Eólica at Acciona Energia describes their objectives for founding O2O WIND...