


Words by Jordi Francesch Head of Asset Management at Glennmont Partners.


Our O&M Strategy

Our strategy as a long term financial investor in wind farms portfolio management has been to sign up for long term premium service agreements with time and Energy based availability where OEMs take on main component risk. This has given us a high but predictable foreseeable cost and the right focus on the production and asset optimisation. Based on a strong foundation in HSE management, we are a very hands on asset owner continuously looking into value enhancement activities like turbine optimization or extension of asset useful life.

Our ambition for O2O

Based on previous experiences in the solar business, we believe that a collaborative approach to knowledge sharing across asset owners is key in order to resolve important technical and commercial challenges with the technology itself and OEM as counterparts.

We believe that O2O Wind can be a powerful tool where valuable information and knowledge could be exchanged very rapidly, strengthening all participating turbine owners in the community.



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