Wouter Holbrecht, Manager Wind at EDF Luminus describes their objectives for founding O2O WIND International with the following words
Our O&M Strategy
EDF Luminus aims at increasing the performance, efficiency and availability of its wind assets through a close cooperation with the wind turbine manufacturers, the newly created EDF subsidiary EDF Energies Nouvelles Services Belgium on behalf of the daily O&M and our industrial clients for assuring further sustainable expansion of the portfolio. EDF Luminus tends at exploring possible advantages offered by new technologies and will continually evaluate to what extend energy yield can be optimized within the englobing permitting framework.
Our objective for o2owind International
We decided to join because we want to give it a shot. We expect to enter a forum where we can discuss and share on major breakdowns, root cause analyses and turbine types. We want to optimize and further perfect our O&M performance by sharing best practices so we can eventually move to condition based maintenance. That would be the end goal.