The responsible person for Enel Green Powers involvment with O2O WIND is Luigi La pegna who dedicated last 15 years to development of Renewable Energies in all responsibility roles (from Country Manager to Engineering, Business Development, Project Management & Construction, and finally to Operations & Maintenance.
Luigi is currently Managing over 35,000 MW of renewable energy within different sectors and now works as Global Head Of Operations And Maintenance.
Luigi is currently involved in various projects to increase reliability of wind farms, including minimization of gaps bbetween desing and real conditions in extreme weather conditions, extend mobile digitalization to all operations activites, drone inspections etc.
Words by Luigi La pegna – Head of Global Operations And Maintenance at ENEL.
Current challenges that I want to solve
Presently my main challenges is extend the scope of predictive analysis in Wind industry at same level as developed in other technologies, i.e. not only aimed to prevent failures, but mainly to reduce maintenance activities of turbines by increasing life of single components.
Our ambition for O2O
I am here to share operational experiences, form networks and contribute on other member’s issues.