Our global WIND O&M hub has been strengthened by one of the major players in New Zeeland/Australia
Christian Korte, Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Manager, Asset Management, Operational Support at Meridian Energy explains their O&M Strategy and objectives for O2O WIND as follows:
Our O&M Strategy
"Meridian is a owner, operator and maintainer of wind farms in New Zealand and Australia. We perform in-house maintenance on the majority of wind farms but have also entered into long term service & availability contracts with the OEMs on others. The decision to go in-house or not is made on a case by case basis to achieve best long term returns".
Our objective for o2owind International
"Meridian is always striving to improve turbine performance and we see knowledge sharing between wind turbine owners as very important to that process. This includes sharing of specific component failures, parts/tools procurement or contractual challenges".
To learn more about Meridian Energy, please click here.
Curiosity # 1: Having Meridian Energy as a member also means that O2O WIND has achieved a goal I never thought we would achieve: having members with a presence on seven (!) continents. It turns out that Meridian is operating wind turbines in Antarctica.
Curiosity # 2: Among our members, we now have the world’s northernmost and world's Southernmost wind farms in the world.