What does a gearbox failure cost today? Without production losses, just for a new gearbox, cranes and labour this could be anywhere between 400,000 to 500,000 Euro’s.
There may be many different reasons for a gearbox failure, some of these the owner can directly influence and others not.
Design and material failure are very difficult to detect and your best route is to learn from other owners that there is an issue and thereby take pre-emptive actions.
Installation failures such as misalignment can be devastating but can be prevented and operational failures can be avoided by the adherence to best practice and O&M techniques.
Oil is the very lifeblood of the modern gearbox and issues such as micro pitting, spalling and scuffing all have links to poor lubrication.
With the interest from the oil experts at Engie, Vattenfall, DTEK, Pattern Energy, Acciona Energia, Fortech, Glennmont, to mention a few, we will organise a wind asset owner exlusive webinar to look closer at some key topics:
taking better care of the oil, offline filters, high quality desiccant breathers, oil quality management systems, WTG start-up routines, pre-heating oil, better lubrication during idling and even lubrication system upgrades, Monitoring the oil’s operating conditions to name a few topics.
The webinar is included in the O2O WIND membership.
If you are working for a wind turbine owner who is not yet a member and who does not see other owners as competitor nor as potential costumers, you can sign up for 320 €. If you would become a O2O WIND member within a month from the webinar this fee will be deducted. For non-members to register please send an email to marten@o2owind.com. Please respect that only wind turbine owners will be let on-board.