The responsible person for Energia's involvement with O2O WIND is Brian Mullen operations manager at Energia Generation.
Energia Generation owns and operates around 350MW of Nordex, Vestas, Siemens, Enercon, and Gamesa wind turbines between Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Words by Brian Mullen – Operations manager at Energia Generation.
O&M Strategy
Energia’s main goal is to maintain a high level of availability from our assets which in turns increases the overall energy yield. This involves a close relationship with the various OEM’s to ensure a preventative approach to service and troubleshooting is achieved rather than a corrective approach which in turn leads to greater turbine downtime and subsequently a higher level of faults.
Our ambition for O2O
Energia believe a forum like O2O is a great way to share information on our experiences gained through operating a fleet of varying turbine types. Also other O2O member’s knowledge could help us in understanding/preventing Energia incurring the same issues in the future on our fleet.
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