User groups - full day workshops

A full day to go in-depth on specifically challenging topic within wind farm operations - together with other professionals working directly for other wind turbine owners. The meetings will be summarized and made available for all members of the various turbine specific End-User Groups within O2O WIND. The content is based on member’s current challenges within the given topic for each user group. The date is the 29th of October and venue is Copenhagen. Please register below.

Register to your turbine specific workshop


The Turbine Specific Workshops are held in relation to the Owners Roundtable. The Owners Roundtable are gathering owners of wind turbines to discuss all possible issues with wind farm operations. Wish to know more, please click here. Please note untill October 2018 you will be redirected to 2018's Owners Roundtable and this link refers to the Owners Roundtable that will be given in 2019.