
Single Point of Contact

O2O WIND is very excited about this improved setup and wants to help you to achieve more successful OEM negotiations.

The setup with a Single Point of Contact means that we will only include these in the preparations for the Owner's Meeting and not reach out to everyone and no one within your company. With improved discipline, our Owner's Meetings will be better prepared, and the agenda will be shared one week before the meeting. The idea to have a single point of contact came from Enel and now has several followers. The expectation is, of course, that this should be applied by all members.


Explained in a video

The thoughts behind the setup with a Single point of contact are explained in this video:


Your responsibilities

To give you good input from your peers, we (and them) must know which challenges you are experiencing. To enable your peers to search within their companies for possible input/solutions on your challenges, you need to submit your challenges one week before the Owner's Meetings.

All upcoming Owner's Meetings and deadlines for submitting challenges are found at this link. Challenges are submitted at the lower end of each event page.

It doesn't have to be you who submits the challenges, nor does it have to be you who participate in the meetings.

You have to make sure that challenges are submitted timely and that there is a person from your company who is aware of these challenges and can present, discuss and develop them with your peers.


Why is it less of an effort for you?

As explained in the video above, we want the persons who are already monitoring the technical challenges that your company has with the different technologies to be O2O WIND's SPOCs for the different user groups. Submitting your company's challenges is then an easy task. You simply look at the current technical issues you monitor and pick the top three.  


O2O WIND's efforts to support the Single Point of Contact

  • A meeting invite will be sent out three months before the meeting.
  • You will be reminded ten days and two days before the deadline
  • If challenges have been submitted through the form on the event page, the system will not send any reminders.
  • The day before, we will send you an email just to ensure that everything is in place with instructions for where to find the meeting invite and the agenda in case that is needed.
  • Within three weeks after the meeting, you will receive a detailed report from the meeting.


O2O WIND's responsibilities

We will compile the agenda with all member's challenges and send that out one week ´before the meeting. O2O WIND staff will moderate the Owner's Meeting. After the meeting, the agenda and Minutes of Meetings will be posted on the O2O WIND app. 

The Owner's Meetings Report will be distributed to all the users in the user group and also added to our library.

All the users from your company will have the meeting invites, the agenda, Minutes of Meetings and the Owner's Meeting Reports. Only you will be asked to submit challenges.


A fast and accurate community

The Single Point of contact is a great addition to O2O WIND. Nevertheless, we believe the site managers have the biggest need for our peer-to-peer collaboration and that they feel the biggest turbine ownership in their daily work.

I discussed with Iñigo Lopez at Enel about adding his site managers to the O2O WIND app. He told me that many of their site managers are uncomfortable with English. Our developer has then attached Amazon's powerful translation engine to O2O WIND. How that works is explained on this page.

So after setting up with the SPOCs, your next aim is to include the site managers. 

If you wish to add more colleagues or site managers, you first need to inform us at info@o2owind.com, as we need to white-list each individual. Then you give this link: https://www.o2owind.com/onboarding-on-app to your colleague, and they will be enrolled in our automated onboarding process supported with video tutorials for each step. Each user will decide which user groups he/she wants to connect with and will come out on the other side, surrounded by peers from the whole world operating the same turbine models.