
Semi-Inhouse Maintenance Concept

Held on the 9th of April - application deadline 31st of March. Time in your timezone found below

Organised by O2O WIND - initiated by Borusan EnBW Energy JV


Please note that we have changed the time for the event. A leading Canadian utility wanted to join the meeting so time is adjusted, please find new time below. The date is the same

Within the turbine-specific user groups organized by O2O WIND, the topic of becoming more and more self-dependent and moving away from the OEMs full-service contract has been occurring. Several energy companies who have done this journey have seen an increased availability and decreased costs.


Conditions for which companies can participate

To ensure that we will make good progress we want to include companies that have similar conditions and goals. In this case that means that we want to include wind asset owners who owns turbines that are approaching or are at the end of the warranty period.


The goal for this roundtable discussion

We want to create the roadmap for how we as owners and operators of wind farms can reach a better position with a well-developed maintenance concept alternatives to OEM solutions such as semi-inhouse concept. With this road map, we want to identify hurdles, how they can be avoided and how to mitigate risks especially for the case without availability (time or production) warranty where we would like to clarify different application/metric/model that might ensure limit/compensate mechanism of production losses.

It is of special interest to understand the views within the group of the implications if the time or production based availability warranty is excluded from the contract. If availability is excluded, do one need to put any measure to limit or compensate the production losses 


Format - Roundtable settings with a maximum of 7 wind asset owners

Including Borusan EnBW Energy JV, we will include six other energy companies to join this discussion. The ambition is to keep a limited size of the group to achieve a high commitment for developing a semi-inhouse maintenance concept within the group. Please apply in the form below before the 31st of March. We will respond on the 2nd of April. In our choice of which companies we will invite, we will mainly consider your input on the questions asked in the form below. If you have applied and are not chosen to be part of the meeting we will have the common decency to send you a summary.



The meeting will be introduced by Tuna Güven, Deputy General Manager (Operations) and Erdem Üncü Civil & Geo Engineering Manager Borusan EnBW Energy JV. With no final answers, Borusan will introduce their version for how they approach the topics listed below to give our discussion a good starting point.

  • Up to date maintenance models in Europe, which operator is following what kind of maintenance model?
  • Possible decision gates to select the Maintenance Concepts
  • The effect of contract duration on maintenance model (long term or mid-short term)
  • Scope sharing of Operator with ISP and/or OEM
  • The pros and the cons of these different models
  • Exclusion of availability warranty, is there any different application/metric/model that will ensure limit/compensate mechanism of production loss?
  • How to secure the supply of spare parts, if any operator has such an issue, we would like to exchange also information


Time in your timezone

9th of April. Duration: 3 hours. Starts at: GMT -7: Calgary, Salt Lake City, Mexico City at 7 am; GMT - 6: Chicago, Houston at 8 am; GMT - 5 Toronto, New York, Miami at 9 am; GMT-4 - Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro at 10 am. GMT: London, Dublin, Lisbon at 1 pm; GMT +1: Copenhagen, Hamburg, Madrid at 2 pm; GMT+2 - Istanbul at 4 pm; GMT + 4,5: Mumbai 18:30; GMT +6 Bangkok at 8 pm

Our form to give the meeting a flying start:

Submitting this form also means that my company agrees to sign the non-disclosure agreement found at this link, prior to the meeting.