Below we explain what is included in your membership and how to join

Let us start with a video about how owners from 6 continents found a new way to approach wind farm operations:


Our 6 ways of collaboration - included in your packages

1. Our turbine-specific user groups - gathering owners operating the same turbine model.

2. Our collaboration app - be notified when it happens or find it when needed.

3. Member's Initiated Roundtables - give us the topic, and we will arrange it.

4. Webinars - gathering wind asset owners on challenging topics

5. Our annual gathering of wind asset owners - a physical meeting based on hot roundtable topics.

6. The Top Director Forum - highest ranked decision makers in operation developing in-house concepts


1. Our Turbine-Specific User Groups

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 08.31.17

Five links presenting our turbine-specific user groups in more detail:

  1. Turbine-specific user groups - To have the quickest introduction (34 seconds) - please click here.
  2. Turbine-specific user groups - To have a longer presentation inspired by the Swedish chef in the Muppets show - please click here.
  3. Our Collaboration Formula - To understand how your input will be refined in our collaboration formula - please click this link.
  4. Which Turbine Families - To view how your company's portfolio matches our turbine-specific user group - please click here.
  5. Evaluations of our Turbine-specific activities - please submit your email below. Please note that our system ensures that this is only shared with other wind turbine owners. If your attempt fails, we will be notified and then investigate whether your company owns wind turbines and whether this can be shared or not. 




2. The O2O WIND App

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The app allows you to access various user groups and is customized to support collaboration in wind farm operations. You can connect with peers based on their experience with specific turbine models and operational skills. Members operate around 300 different turbine models, and you can view these on a world map, interact with owners of specific wind farms, and explore our full portfolio.



3. Member's Initiated Roundtables

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 08.24.25As a member, you can quickly initiate roundtables. You give us the topic, and we will arrange it. You can initiate your roundtable on this page.



4. Your little library of owner-to-owner webinars

Rustic-home-library-design-ideasAs an O2O WIND member, you will have access to all upcoming webinars and to all webinars implemented in the past, recorded and posted on our platform. Upcoming and recorded webinars are found at this link.