Improved conditions for Nordex owners

Written by Mårten Nilsson | Nov 29, 2019 12:11:17 AM
We are improving conditions for the 17 energy companies within our Nordex user group. 

Inspired by one of the members in our Nordex group, telling us they have new issues with their Nordex turbines on a daily basis - we are adding three improvements for the Nordex user group:
  1. Moderation - Bringing in a moderator with in-depth knowledge on Nordex to keep the pot simmering and develop your challenges
  2. More peers - Launching a global campaign for our turbine-specific user groups in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese.
  3. Better platform - Launching a whole new app to have 100% mobility, more intuitive communication & greater flexibility to serve our needs.

For improvement # 1 we are evaluating 3 candidates, improvement # 2 has been launched and improvement # 3 will be launched at the beginning of next week, please learn more below.

A whole new app for the Nordex user group
At the beginning of next week, we will bring onboard the Nordex user group as our first test-pilots. The app is great news for our collaboration. A huge difference is that the app is built in open source which means that we own the solution - It's our own little ball of clay and we can shape it however we want.
Some examples of what we have or will create, that we couldn’t do before:
  1. Onboarding - To automate onboarding so that it can be done quickly on your mobile. To have all permission-info in the system so that members directly can view the user groups that their company have access to, click the ones they want to join and automatically be added in these.
  2. Profile Search - Search on users profile regarding their experience and knowledge on turbine/site condition/component/skills. This was available in the previous version but in this version, you will be able to directly initiate a discussion with your search result.
  3. Who owns what - This will be new and enable members to view owners/users of all 236 different turbine models found in the common portfolio of O2O WIND.
  4. Academia - Vittorio Ayra at Enel suggested giving access to academia (NREL, DTU, Frauenhofer, etc) for them to publish their latest research within wind farm operations and also being able to have discussions with our users
  5. New Products - Sverre Trollnes at Equinor suggested us to create a channel on which suppliers can describe new products relevant for wind farm operations
  6. Spare parts - Pierre-Jerome Desmarquest at Voltalia suggested creating a channel for the spare part-people among our members to efficiently source spare parts among us
Item # 1 has already been included in the app and the other improvements will be implemented as listed. Next week or the week after I will share a longer story on my findings so far for item # 6 - a great detour including a Dutch professor and the aviation industry!
Thats the update sent to our members in the Nordex user group.
Wish to join us?
If there is an interest within your company to be part of this, let us continue in a meeting to discuss how we collaborate, have a live viewing of the actual collaboration going on inside our platforms/channels and also for me trying to answer your questions. Click this link to access my clendar and pick a suitable time. 
To access a compact overview, with listing of members - please click here.